Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Oh dear, I'm a terrible blogger :-(
So far we've been to Brussels and Bayeux, and now we're in the south of France for a whirlwind tour before heading to Paris.  One of the things I've learnt is don't book a train journey that transits through Paris with only an hour to change stations. We made the train with minutes to spare!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Last day in the UK

I haven't  had much internet since i left Glasgow. Hoping I get more at our hotels. Leaving for London to get the Euro star to Brussels soon. All my time in London will have been spent in train stations and at Heathrow

Last full day in Scotland

This holiday is already going way too quickly! We have walked so much, my feet are blistered. I am hoping that spending tomorrow travelling will help them feel much better. I need new feet!

So, some of the highlights of the week?